Our dental X ray system is digitalized, meaning more consistent quality in the x ray image, easier storage on the computer, images can be further enhanced on the computer screen enabling more accurate diagnosis, and also more environment friendly since no developer and fixer liquids are used and disposed of.
We have 3 intraoral machines and 1 OPT machine, all from Soredex ( R ) in Finland, a leader in digital dental radiography. With digitalization all x rays are viewed instantly on a computer screen, and copies can be given to patients either via e mail, or on a portable memory device ( USB stick) or as a print out. The other main big advantage of digital x rays is that the x ray dose is highly reduced meaning less radiation for the patient.
Digital dental x rays are usually taken during your 1 st visit if necessary. They are needed because sometimes they give valuable information which might otherwise not be visible during routine examination and check up, such as caries deep between the teeth, early signs of gum and bone disease, dental abnormalities. They help us to formulate a complete and accurate dental plan for you. Without them problems may go undetected.
The most common x ray taken is a bite wing, one on each side of the mouth. This should be repeated every 2 years. An OPT machine takes an x ray of all the teeth on one film, and of most of the facial bones.
It is an essential tool for the location and position of broken, fractured or unerupted teeth, the position of unerupted/ partially erupted wisdom teeth and the health or otherwise of the bone and gum levels. It is also important during implant placement planning; and detection of oral pathology such as cysts and cancers .