We will always do our best to give you our highest level of care and attention and results which will please you, with the least discomfort; be it a scale and polish or a full mouth aesthetic restoration. You as our patient are our top priority and our best possible advert.
– Thames Dental Clinic
Crown Caps
This is a covering placed over the existing natural tooth or what’s left of it to bring it back to its original size and shape.
Dental Emergencies
We are available to see to dental emergencies every working day, and this service is available to both our regular patients and those who are not.
Dental examination and consultation
At your first visit, a full patient history is taken including medical and dental history, and full patient details.
Dental Implants
Implants provide us with another alternative to bridges and conventional dentures for the replacement of missing teeth.
Dental treatment under General anaesthesia
In special cases we do carry out routine dental treatment under general anaesthesia.
Dental X rays
Our dental X ray system is digitalized, meaning more consistent quality in the x ray image, easier storage on the computer.
Dentures – complete or partial
A denture is a prosthesis which is made to replace teeth and gums which have been lost due to decay , gum disease and injury.
Porcelain fixed bridges
A dental bridge is a fixed (Not removable) prosthesis to replace missing teeth either in the front or the back of the mouth.
Porcelain veneers
Claritas est etiam processus dynamicus, qui sequitur mutationem consuetudium lectorum.
Root canal treatment
An RCT or root canal treatment or nerve treatment is a technique whereby the inside infected part of the tooth, what we call the pulp.
Routine hygiene/ scaling and polishing of teeth
Dental prophylaxis or scale and polish of the teeth is carried out if necessary at a visit to the clinic.
Tooth whitening- Bleaching
In simple terms this involves any process that will make the enamel of the teeth whiter in colour.
Wisdom teeth/ oral surgery
The full complement of teeth in the mouth should be 32, of which 4 of these are the wisdom teeth.
Restoring teeth-fillings
The most widely used dental materials for filling cavities in teeth are composites and silver amalgam.
Preventive dentistry
The two main dental ‘diseases’ are caries (decay) and gum disease. So what is preventive dentistry?